Donor Update Form

Donor Update Form
Why Should you update your information?
The University of Lethbridge wants to recognize your contribution to our institution. Updating your contact information ensures we can reach you to say thanks, issue charitable receipts, and provide information related to gifts and awards.
Personal Information

I am a(n) - Select all that apply:
I am a(n) - Select all that apply:

Contact Information

Email: Required Field

Gift Information

Spouse Information

Business Information
Complete this section to let us know where you are currently employed. 

Preferred Contact Method
Contact Method:
Contact Method:


We value your input and want to hear from you!

Your comments and feedback are invaluable in helping us improve our processes and information sharing.

Whether you've had a great experience with our team or have suggestions for how we can enhance your experience, please take a moment to share your thoughts in the comments section below.